Monday, May 2, 2011

Instructional technology and physics standards

First off, I will address the use of wikis. Wikis can provide a very convenient way for students to review material presented in class. I, as a teacher, would post a copy of the lecture material that the students would be able to review wherever they have access to the internet. It will be used as a supplement to the course text book. The students will also be able to discuss topics and ask questions through the wiki. This will allow students to address each other in a manner quite like the blackboard discussion area.

Utah Physics Standard 1:
Students will understand how to measure, calculate, and describe the motion of an object in terms of position, time, velocity, and acceleration.

In order to master this standard, it is important for student to be able to collect and analyze data. In order for students to start the planned lab for this section, the students will need to complete a pre-lab worksheet that can be found on Google docs and would have a link to the worksheet on the class wiki. Using instructional architect, I have found a resource that lets students manipulate graphs to gain a better understanding of how the data is plotted and what it means.

Utah Physics Standard 3:
Students will understand the factors determining the strength of gravitational and electric forces.

This standard requires students to research the importance of gravitational forces in the space program. I will start the students in the right direction to meet this standard by providing various links in the class wiki. I would also utilize the NASA resources from the YETC. The students will be able to gain an understanding of the usefulness of physics during this lesson. 

Utah Physics Standard 5:
Students will understand the properties and applications of waves.

The properties of waves can be rather confusing when learning from a text book or online notes. In order to better help students, I will provide a Prezi linked into the class wiki. The Prezi will be used as a walk though to give a clearer explanation of the properties of waves by taking it one step at a time and presenting the information one piece at a time.  

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